PGD in Manipulative Therapy and PGD in Biomechanics followed by PhD (Medicine) in 2001. Assistant Professor in Rehabilitation with expertise in osteoarthritis rehab.
Heba is a manual & women health therapist that completed her undergraduate study at Cairo university 1995 and worked clinically till 1998 before moving to Kuwait .
Stephen May worked for many years as a musculoskeletal physiotherapist at the NHS, and in 2002 became a Senior Lecturer in Physiotherapy at Sheffield Hallam University, UK.
As an accomplished Associate Professor, she brings a wealth of experience in higher education, specializing in Spinal Manipulation, Orthopedics, and Research.
After more than 10 years of experience working with a wide variety of patients in private practice as a therapist and Pilates instructor, Fatma discovered Kinetic Control.